
The vision board is a powerful tool to let our subconscious manifest itself in an intuitive creative art form. At the same time it allows us to become clear about what we want to attract in our lives, what is essential to us, where we want to focus on and in which direction our energy should flow. In several workshops and retreats I am using the vision board creation at the end of a deep inner journey that we do together. The vision board helps to let all the insights, inspiration and intentions culminate into a creative process that gives visibility to a vision that is created on our intuitive life path. In this Blogpost I want to share with you some key insights into this process and give a glimpse into my own experience with it.


The power of Manifestation: my personal experience

In the beginning of 2020 I went on a Medicine Walk through Kinsa Cotcha, 4000 meters above sea level in the embrace of the Andes of Peru. As I was walking around the lake in the middle of that mystical valley I fully handed myself into the almost surreal appearing, shifting character of nature there: the sun felt much closer than usual and emanated a dazzling light which suddenly melted into a storm with rivers of water crashing down from the celestial world. While I was walking with my drum through this utterly beautiful and irreal place I started to feel that I have been here before. Suddenly I realized that I was not only being in the physical place of Kinsa Cotcha here in the Andes, but standing in the middle of the Vision board that I created weeks before and that I didn't have in mind until the moment that I stood in the middle of it.

When I created that Vision board I didn't think about Peru. I only put on the paper what I was drawn too from the plethora of material lying in front of me. I haven't been in Peru before, not even in the Andes since my spiritual home in Latin America has always been Mexico. But in that moment I realized that it all came true. The naked women swimming in the lake - this was us just now in the Sacred Valley of Peru. I wrote the value of “Wissen (knowledge) to and also this came to live: The wisdom and knowledge that I got in contact with during my  time in the Sacred Valley and especially on that Medicine Walk with the other women was beyond my imagination. 


My vision board has a garden house on it. Intuitively I put it there, without ever thinking before of a wooden garden house, I just liked the feeling of the picture that I found in a magazine. Little did I know in that moment about how this will become reality only a few months later. In April 2020 I got offered a garden with a wooden garden house. Usually you wait for these kind of opportunities for several years on a long list of people interested in such a lease. Without much thinking I immeditately said yes to it in the midst of the first lockdown. I renovated the wooden house and started to cultivate medicinal plants. An old friend came to visit me and as a joke I said “Clara, you can become a godmother of the garden”. A few days later she called me and said “Yes, I want to. And I want to build my yurt in your garden for us both to use.” The yurt is also depicted on the vision board. It has always been my dream to have a yurt and to work with it’s circular energy. But it is quite a mission to build one yourself or to find a place for it. It all naturally fell into place and again only later I realised it was all visually written into my vision board.

The new place that I am moving to is also clearly manifested in the vision board and came into my field in the same time like the garden without that I expected it at all. A house of the same architectonical era and feeling, with the same brick facade as it is on my board.


I also experienced something rather emotionally challenging that is depicted on the visionboard. When it happened I realised that I should be more precise in what I am wishing for. I am thankful for the experience because it helped me grow internally a lot and get very clear about what I want and what not. In that very moment however, I was looking with some fury and yet astonishment at that vision board that suddenly seemed like a map of manifestation to me. And that surprised me so many times with it’s wisdom.

I started to wonder, was it the vision board and the manifested dreams on it? And all the well facilitated sessions in the retreat that we did to prepare ourselves to manifest so powerfully? Or was it that it was all already written in destiny? And through the sessions and spiritual practice in general it was accessible to me to simply draw on the board what was already in line for me? To that date I am exploring this question.

It is not that everything is exactly happening as you think it would. Of course not. The vision board showed me the playfulness of life and manifestation. You wish for something. And it will come. Maybe in a slightly different nuance than you expected it. It will make you laugh at some point, it will make you wonder, it will surely astonish you about your own power of manifestation.

Now that the year of 2020 has ended, there is no element left on the vision board that I can not tell such a story about. Empowered by my own experience I want to share now with you, how you can create your own vision board.



The Vision board that I am describing was made in an intuitive process and in a short time during one of my retreats in which we worked precisely on unlocking intuitive capacities and unconditioning the mind. That means that the actual creation time of the vision board only took around two hours. But - and now this is essential - the energetic and logistic preparation took much longer than the actual creation. How come? Read below.

I am very excited for you to create your own vision board. Feel free to share your experience with me afterwards.

Step 1: setting your intention

Connect deeply to the purpose of that vision board. Why are you doing it? What for? What is the intention? What do you want to manifest into your life? Try to get rid of the mind oriented “I want this and I want that” and rather focus on the commitment that you can come in with yourself: “I want to feel this, attract that energy or state”. The Vision board is not like a materialistic wishing list, but a map of what your soul dearly desires and wants to attract energetically. You can do a vision board at any time. The stronger and clearer the intention, the more powerful your vision board can be.

Here are some ideas for a good vision board purpose:

  • the turn of the year, at the beginning of a new year you make a vision board

  • Femininity/Masculinity - in order to be clear about what you want to experience as a woman, men or simply as a human

  • Dream big - maybe there is a dream that you have snoozing in your heart, something that you are deeply wishing for, whatever it might be

In order to work with your intention, you can ask yourself these questions:

What is it, that my heart (not my mind) is really longing for?

What do I need for that?

What are my key values for that topic? (for example if it is for the topic on “healthy relationship”: open communication, heartfulness, intimacy; or if it is about “femininity”: intuition, inner sovereignty, softness).

Just take some time to feel into these questions, create your intention, write down your notes and values.


Step 2: the material sourcing

This you do best some days before creating the vision board. If you want to be surprised and let the Great Mystery take over instead of your rational mind I suggest to not look for “nice pictures” in the internet that you simply glue on a paper and rather have a lot of material on hand that you gather from all kinds of sources and you don't even know what is inside. The more material you have, the more creative you can flow and let yourself be guided by intuition. You can gather flyers, magazines, images, newspapers, books that can be cut up, dried flowers for example, and any tools you like  to work with. I like to work with different media, it brings in a lot of freedom and possibilities. The more you open yourself to different media and styles, the more dimensions you can add to your Vision board.

Step 3: selecting what you feel drawn to

Once you have your material together or you just want to start with what you have, you can go through everything and rip out or cut out what you feel drawn to. Anything that calls your intention, that makes you feel good. 


Step 4: creating sacred space 

Create a space for yourself, where you can be present without somebody interfering into your space. You can put on candles or whatever makes you feel cozy, centered and good. Recommended to create a free space to work: to have space to spread all your material and get wild with it. Working on the floor can be helpful if you don't have a big desk. Before and during creating your vision board, you can put on nice music that supports you. I recommend classical music or any music with not much lyrics/words, to not interfere with your process too much.

Here I am sharing one of my playlists with classical music with you.

Step 5: let go of expectations

This is not a pinterest board or an Instagram Feed. This is not for anyone but for yourself. Allow yourself to enter a creative process. Don´t think about it. When the rational mind comes in too strong, you stop yourself from being in the intuitive and imaginative flow. That's why I like to have lots of material and just take out and add to my board what I feel intuitively drawn too, without thinking about it too much.

What is not visible in pictures but adds to your vision board is the energy you are in and the intention you have when creating it. That is my personal experience. Let it come from a place of heart consciousness and intuition. In my workshops and retreats we practice Yoga and/or Meditation before we get into creative processes, sometimes we do rituals or sharing rounds to get clear about the intention and what the essence of the intention actually means for you. With this we also leave the everyday life consciousness and enter this intuitive space. You can create your own home retreat and join one of our online offerings before creating your vision board.

Here you find online programs that we have created for you: 

Step 6: creating the vision board

You have your material and/or your preselection of material in front of you; your white paper, scissors, and all tools that you want to use. Put on nice music or enjoy the silence. You have your intention present. And with this I mean: very present. You can take a few minutes of meditation before you start, calling in your intention again and letting it travel through your whole body. Let it fill you from within. Now it´s time to start. You go through your material and pick out what you feel drawn to, you can just map it out on the board or glue it right away. Start with the images. Later you can add colors, writings, words.

Be creative. Take parts of images, add other images to complete it or with colors you add what you want. Try not to think it too much. Perfection is not your goal. 

Step 7: working with the vision board after you created it

In my in presence retreats and workshops I like to work in a poetic way with the vision board which for many people is actually the most mind blowing moment of it. This is a ritual which is inspired by techniques that I learned from the surrealist teachings around André Breton and his fellows. It is a little complex and yet simple, however it would be beyond the frame of this article. How to interpret, how to keep on working on your vision is an other topic, that I talk about in workshops, right under the idea of “vision is merely a dream without action”. For now, let´s concentrate on the creation of your vision board. You can also invite your own intuition and find pathways to work with it afterwards.

What you need for the vision board

  • A plethora of material

  • A4 or A3 paper to create the vision board on

  • Scissors, glue, pencil, colors to paint with if you feel like

  • A quiet place where you can fully enter your creative process

  • Having fun is essential ;)

  • Most importantly: a clear intention 


Share your experience

If this Blogpost has been of service for you, I am very happy to read about your experience. You can simply drop me a mail ( or use the contact form on my webpage.

Maybe you even want to share a photo of your vision board with me.

I wish you all the best on your journey.
